Bài Vở Cũ Thiếu nhi

Fate NgoHaiVi

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It seems like every time things start to go back in place,
Something else has to fall out of place yet again,
No matter how small or big it is,
It has a big impact on me,
Nothing you can do could change what has happened already,
But you can try to prevent things from happening,
And if it has already happened,
try to make it never happen again,
I know that I seem selfish only caring about what has happened to me,
But what has happened showed me how not to get into those situations again,
I may not be able to help everyone with the amount of wisdom that I possess,
But if I could help two out of every five people
I’d know that I had tried my best to prevent things,
But some things you can’t stop from happening ,
No matter how hard you try,
And all the strength and effect you put into it,
The fate is sealed,
But why does fate have to be so cruel?
These impacts usually change me,
One way or the other,
Sometimes good,
Sometimes bad,
But no matter what the impact of all this change might have caused,
I will always get through it.

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